Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

Completed: 24 December 2024

Wood: Ash body; Purpleheart nose and ears; 3,000 year old Irish bog oak eyes and paw pads.
Size: 13.8cm x 6.2 maximum Dia.
Body 7.8cm x 6.2cm Dia.; Head 5cm Dia. Legs 5.6cm x 2cm Dia. Arms 5cm x 1.8cm Dia.
Location: In creator’s collection.


My wife and I have a very large collection of teddy bears. I have been promising to make one for a long time and here it is.
The head, arms and legs all rotate and it is made up with 33 parts.

Finish: Acrylic sanding sealer and acrylic satin lacquer.